Saturday, October 14, 2006

Raya Nostalgic Vol.3 - My Kebaya Queen

**Bonda ku tahu apa sebenarnya perjalanan anak-anknya.Tidak perlu diperjelaskan padanya.Tanpa kata-kata hikmahmu Bonda siapalah aku.

**Bonda ku,letih perih mu biarkan aku tanggunggi supaya perjalanan ke AlKautar mu lancar tanpa sebarang halangan.Cuma satu permintaan anak mu ini waktu pulang kerja jangan suroh saya buat teh petang lagi dan set table untuk kita kalian bersantapan.
Ya...itu my tugas saban hari waktu membesar,tanggung jawab ku preapare Teh for all.

**Sunggoh aku nyatakan ibu adalah 'Kebaya Lady'.Collectionnya tidak berlebihana sekira dinyatakan boleh dimuatkan satu lori kecil.Batik Jawanya Halus and Asli. Estatic valuenya sekarang sehelai boleh mencecah ribuan ringgit.Kerana pembuatan Batik Jawa dahulu yang begitu harus.Mungkin saperti Persian/Turkish silk carpet on parnya valuenya sekarang.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pak Tuo,

I must say your mum is absolutely beautiful. What an up-to-the-minute fashionable woman!! Amazing. You must certainly be proud of her indeed.

Those kebayas and sarongs are to die for...hmm...gorgeous!

So you take after mum or dad?

madame blossom said...

i think I also still have old pics of my beautiful mum and handsome dad.. hehe..

orang dulu2 pakai sexy2 eh..

Pak Tuo said...

Salam Ruby,

You remember tak John Lennon words in 'Mother' one of his hits.It still does hits me when I turn the old turn-table on.

Kebaya ibu semua dah kena booking dah by my sisters.

Well,I have been hussling Ibu to live with me here in KL particularly after apak passed away 5 years ago and I even suggested to celebrate Eid this year here in KL but she refuses.

What can I say shes a very-very head strong old gal.'Orders Taken ONLY'.
But I'll sell my sell to the devil to protect her dear.

Wassalam.Selamat Berbuka Sis.

Pak Tuo said...

Salam Blossom,

Yeslah,she'll be posing in front of the mirror every morning dressing up before off to office.

Yeah sick it in the blog,would love to exchange the views.I still have an old photo hols. with ibu at Haw Par villa in Sig.I'm not sure wheather Haw Par Villa still exist?

Anyway.Selamat berbuka sis.


madame blossom said...

haw par villa still exists.. yes. I pun ada satu gambar masa 1 yr old kot, duduk kat the batu2 kat haw par villa ;p