I feel nostalgic today,looking back at the long and winding road which I took over the years.The memories came running after Fahmy my eldest came home yesterday with a couple of his band wagon from campus.Yes,Fahmy is reading Law at Ahmad Ibrahim Kuliyyah of Law IIU,Gombak.Seeing those fresh faces,determine and daring to go remind me of my hey days including Zees's at UKM where else I go abroad.
Well,actually they came for Mak Su's home warming tahlil cum berbuka at her new house.Congratulation Mak Su,those back aching days are over.In matter of fact Mak Su's bought the house as a gift to apak and mak.She and Mak Teh boards with apak all this while. Mak Su's decided to get a spacious space,after considering current Apak's and Mak's health condition.
Well Apak,it a long story.I will tell about this great man later in the blog.
Keep in tourch bloggers.The story of The Unsung Hero.
Seeing Fahmy's mate from campus brings back memories of 1980's, when I first steps the shore of good olde England.As George Bernard Shaw once wrote 'if you are tired of London,you're tired of life' how true.
London remind me of the laughters ,cries and friendship I developed over the years and uptill today I am still the 'God Father' to my buddy Julian daughter Zsa-Zsa.
Those memories are precious.I might take the wrong steps but it was a learning how to learn process and learned it I do.
How could I forget the cold winter Raya's,hot summer raya, queing for a plate of mee siam and a twick of kueh raya at Malaysian Hall 42,Bryston Sq.W1
How could I forget sitting for exams in the middle of Raya?
How could I forget sleeping at Forgensee Lake,Black Forest Germany,the free flow of River Rhur and the auto bahn trampping during Raya 1983 with Tajam.
Hmmmm..it is part of me. In this bless month, I ask forgiveness from friends where ever you are.Some of them are still in Europe and USA for the reasons they themselves knows best.
All I can say.'...BEB..DAHLAH TU BALIKLAH !,ayam itik pun ada reban tau!!'
When meeting with friends when asked:'......amacam?
my standard answer is '..alahai....umur makin meningkat tapi amal tak kemana pun!
To my mates over there and here:
Rommel(USA),Daud mamak lu kat mana ni?,Jamal Oxford (merajuk with the living situation in Malaysia after serving well for the country),Azam Kuntek and Bababra in Zurich dah lah tu..kuntek,Boe,Jamil Balham,Zaini (aircraft designer),Apek Zul.Tajam,Ajim Warwick,Amok Super Tank,Man Cowboy (alah.. lu dah kaya cowboy lu lupa gua eh!!),Tadjri,Sheila London,Ramlah Sarawak,Kamik,Dollah Ce'Lagi,Tajul,Zak,Mus Guitar,Badak.. (lu macam tu jugak Badak?),Jamil Alor Star,(how could I forget you!)Sharifah,Nadjwa,Ija,Puspha Hempstead Heath,Nor Light,etc..etc...
My High School buddies : Juara Pendek,Isa Majid,Nuraddin,Amran,Rosman Benggali,Yazid Kadok,Yazid Alias and Yazid Kassim and those whom I know but did not mention here:
'SELAMAT HARI RAYA Dan Maaf Zahir dan Batin'
I know some of you won't be reading this rubbish....
Zee's:all mates at UKM 1978-83 graduates of Komsis 'A' :Che Rahim,now a Prof.Shidah,Rose,Nan,Rosie,Soria,and the list goes on........
tiada junjung sebarang junjung,
junjung duli paduka seri
tiada gunung sebarang gunung
gunung bonda anakanda tak terdaki.
First Day To School B.H.E.S 1966
Balik kamponglah hoi...On the way home for Raya 1985 after missing 5 Raya's in a row.
Dahsyatnya Doa Rumah Amalia
Alhamdulillah, Kak Ardina Rasti buktikan keajaiban doa anak-anak Rumah
Amalia bertemu jodoh dan menikah dengan Kak Arie Dwi Andhika dan sekarang
sudah mo...
4 years ago
whoa pak tuo.. ni kira zaman sweet charity dulu eh?
Salam Blossom,
ialah dear bak kata Ramli Sarip 'dari zaman berganti zaman'
Itu lah saya dimakan usia.hmmmmm......
salam perkenalan
sedap lagu ni pak tuo...lagu apa ni?
saya pun nak mengucapkan Salam Aidilfitri kepada pak tuo sekeluarga...maaf zahir dan batin..
Salam Simah & Family,
hmm..lagu ..'Keheningan Idil Fitri' original oleh Sharifah Aini.
Cool kan!!
Yes,Danke ke sudi mengunjung.
Alahai terkenang pula kena chai dan shisa kan Central Bazzar di Istanbul?
Travel dari Istambul ke Izmir
Lepas tu ambil kapal dari Izmir ke Pulau Samos Greece.Island hopping terus ke Bari via kapal.Masih ada ke lagi feri service tu?
Pak Tuo - hehehe - banyaknya kenangan manis! Selamat Hari Raya maaf zahir dan batin, kalau rindu nak dengar cerita London, nanti kak teh cerita.
Kak Teh,
yeah...cerita lagi dear pleased.
Tertunggu-tunggu nak denger cerita daripada negeri atas angin.
Selamat Hari Raya Idil Fitri to you to dear & family.
Salam buat tuan rumah,
Itu gambar pak tuo masa zaman mudo-mudo dulu ko? Wah..handsome juga tu!
Selamat hari raya to you and your family.
Salam Mak Aji,
hi Mak Ji begitulah.
Terima Kasih keran sudi menjunjungi.
Salam Adil Fitri untuk Mak Aji Dan Pak Aji.
salaam PT,
uwah! kenangan nan mengusik jiwa eh PT? walking down memory lane. wokay ... 1978 you dah belajar kat U, eh? tahun 1976 kita baru dilahirkan so 1978 i baru 2 tahun. kwang kwang kwang ...
about my entry tuh kan - new addition yes, new baby yes tapi bukan yang uwek-uwek tuh nyer. psst ... yang vroom-vroom tuh. ;) *hehehe* alhamdulillaah nevertheless.
`eid mubarak to you and family, PT. thank you for visiting and commenting on my humble journal.
Salam YT,
yeap....tu dia...
moga dikurniakan hajat you sekeluarga.Insyallah.
Cool.Keep a good balance diet.Pesan orang tua-tua ibu bila mengaji sekatu mengandung rahimnya turut mengaji.
Stay grovvy gal.
Salam Adil Fitri.
Hi Pak Tuo,
Wow..so that's you zaman muda eh? The rebellious years? Actually it is always a journey of self discovery isn't it? Ha ha.
It is nostalgic when we think of our days at school/uni. Wonderful times, baffling times, sad times..a real mixed feeling isn't it?
Anyway wishing you and family..EID MUBARAK.
Salam Ruby,
Yeap,you remember that film Back To The Future',I give anything to unwind the clock dear.
At times I wonder wheather I move forward with the time of the time left me.
What ever it is, Thanks Dear God for the beauty you showed me.Amin.
Yeap,Selamat Hari Raya to you & family dear.
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