Thursday, September 17, 2009

Akhir Sebuah Impian - Simply Classic

Well check up the whole film in youtube as well

Klassik.......seni itu milik semua.
Bukan milik persendirian.
Kami hargai interlectual property,daya creativitas dan kesempurnaan pembikinan.
Kami kagum

It was 30 overs years I saw this classic film by Almarhum Benyamin S,late Broery Marantika and Emilia Countessa.Man....the Savoy cinema was pack full for the whole month.The music by Favariote Group remain evergreen. Simply classic for a Form 2 boys then. TV programme was still at it infancy. Love Farok Afero acting always the baddies character.His punch line ' jangan kau minta ubatnya dari aku !!! when his son Broery met an accident which causes Emelia blind.A nostalgic rerun for those in the fities.Those era of 'Casablanca' sort of movie.

Memory dulu kembali lagi
DiHari lebaran Adil Fitri
Bermaafan bersama kita sudahi
Syukur dan Rahmat moga dilimpahi.

To All dear friends bloggers and non bloggers.



Al-Manar said...

Pak Tuo
Like me you are still living in the past! Semua itu telah ditelan zaman. Even the Star War is getting out of date.
Selamat Hari Raya

Pak Tuo said...

hehehe...Tuan Aji,sekali sekali coupleing romantic apa salahnya.Lebih-lebih hari lebaran.
Selamt Hari Raya.Maaf Zahir Batin.

Kak Teh said...

Selamat hari raya dan maaf zahir dan batin. Saw your nephew at the hari raya prayers and later met up with emma di high commission.

Pak Tuo said...

Begitulah Kehendak Tuhan,Kak Teh.

Pak Tuo