Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This is no laughing matter !

I recieved a suprising mail containing some probably trail exam paper of our STPM boys.I have to edit the identity of the candidate and the good school from being drag to a major issue.
It was a while ago I wrote a short sinopsis on the topic.Heres the link

However,let me remind you the answer script does not come from my former alma,but that doesn't means there is none on the discovery channel !!
Be aware of that,Cikgu pleased !!

I am speechless,stunt by the write up answer script.
Yes,it was hilarious.
Probably,the exam was held on the April Fool's Day.
I leave it to the benefit of the doubt.
The exam paper was Sejarah (History).

The Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia(STPM) or HSC/STP during my days was the last bastallion before one enroll to a university or start a working adult life.
The paper consist of 2 paper.
Sejarah 2,that is History of Asia Tenggara ,Jepun and India and History 4 consists of Sejarah Islam dan Sejarah Islam di Malaysia or a student could opt.for Sejarah 3 thats European History.

A student has to pass both paper with a minimum C to obtain a principle pass.

Go ahead have a good laugh.
This is a real answer script from our Sixth Form boys back home down south.
As far as I could recall,getting a place in the Sixth Form in a fully govenment school are based on the over all SPM examination.and a student must perform reasonably well to be selected to be in the Sith Form. come there's an odd one in the class ?
I find it amusing and thought provoking.
Check,Recheck or rebounce.

Take it as a good rememberence of the yester years I reckon.
Me,I'm no perfect on my examination answer either.

For much better viewing,view with Picasa

Sunday, April 26, 2009

What !!!!!!!! Name a school after a Chief Clan !!!!!

I wonder whether naming a school after our fore father does bring good to our children.
Read the news.

Is Mr.Yap, a real philatrophist or only a story of from rag to riches?

I doubt it.What say you?

Why barking at the wrong tree, Mr.Ong?

Its a irrelevent issue.

hmmmm...........think about it !!!!.Prof.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Atas Nama

Ada diatas nama Tuhan, melecetkan Tuhan,
Ada yang diatas nama negara ,merampok negara,
Ada yang diatas nama rakyat ,menindas rakyat,
Ada yang atas kemanusiaan, memangsa manusia,
Ada yang diatas nama keadilan meruntuhkan keadilan
Ada yang diatas nama persatuan, merosak persatuan,
Ada yang diatas nama perdamaian,mengusir kedamaian,
Ada yang atas nama kemerdekaan,memasung kemerdekaan

atas nama apa saja atau siapa saja
Kirimlah laknat kalian
atau atas nama aku perangilah mereka dengan
'kasih sayang'

Mestro Pak Idris Sardi

Monday, April 20, 2009

My 2 Able Young Ladies and Two Able Young Man.

Aimi Dear

When the going gets tough,the tough gets going'.
We can pleased people sometimes but not all the time.
Yeap,when we are in the acedemic world and far away from home,all sort of consideration came across our mind.
Be in command.
You are one brave young lady and I am proud of you.
Your consistent and determination since wee lad,shows the quality in you.
We love you and pray for your success.
Stay focus.


Focus,focus and focus.Keep the violin in tune.
SPM 2010.
hmmmmmmmmm.......Physic,Add Maths and Bio pleased.
Medical Fac.pleased.

You're almost there!!
Sharp,witty and be kind to fellow human.
Look each and everyone,eye to eye.!!
Dalam dunia kerjaya 'tikam dari belakang perkara biasa' !!.
Tabah dan pasrah.
Finally,get the most expensive leather shoes,pleased !.
Locke or Berret is a good pair.
It represent character.

Your 'A' Level pleased.
Good Architecture School are really demanding.
There is always hope with determination,effort and persistency.

Papa loves you all.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

There is Hope !!! yes,there is 1-Malaysia !!

Y.A.A Dato Gopal Sri Ram.
Yes.....yes some fundamental judgement absolutely agreed upon.
Tan Teck Seng v Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pendidikan,Rama Chandran,Sugumaran Bala Krishna,was the classic example your fine sound judgement,sir.
The extended version of the late Lord Denning.
Your fine defination, on our Article 5 of our Federal Constitution tourches our heart sir,however,your superior learned brothers, said otherwise.

Any chanches to unschackle the shackle sir?

Will be waiting in tense on your new land mak decision.
Pleased sir, extend your service at the pleasure of our Mejesty The King.
All in the name of 1-Malaysia.

Y.A.A Dato Hj.Hishamuddin Md.Yunus.

Sir,how I do look forward your brave and able to call a spade a spade.
I cherish your judgement and study with great depth your decision on Jesus Jamaluddin case and many more.

The 'Legal Robin Hood ' if I may call it.
You are our savior to the path for reconstruction on our judiciary independency,Yang Arif.

As per in judgement of Raja Azlan Shah C.J (as he was then) in DBKL v Sri Lembah Enterprise,

'...unfettered discretion is a contradiction in terms...Every legal power must have legal limits,otherwise there is dictatorship...'

The road for legal reconstruction is well on the way.

Bravo.At least the is some hope.Insyallah.

Dont rock it only drift and rake it,Yang Arif.!!

Bravo to Judicial Leader.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

What is Your Hope Now !!

hmmmmmmmmmmm.............Sukran ya Allah.
Taqaballahu Salihul A'mal Hayakumullah