A man with highest man of principle,absolute trustworthly gentleman and firm in executing duties.
That is Pok Teh,ibu's younger brother,passed away at a ripe age of 70,on Monday 2th.Febuary 2009 at 12.30noon.
Papa has been staying with ibu since apak pass away 5 years ago.
Extreamly fond of all his sisters,Mak Nyah,Ibu and ibu Chik.
Remain a bachelor till death.As faith has taken it toll,his sudden death was a surprise to all of us in the family.
It was a long week-end hols due to Hari Wilayah Persekutuan.Most of my aunt and uncle came back to Malacca.All have a weekend home in Melaka,thus,that very Monday all of us was having breakfast together at a local stall and depart back to KL after breakfast.
He was his usual self,nothing strange shown.
Always with his cup of Milo and Roti Canai and his medication prescripe after breakfast.
However,he decided to finish a full plate of Kueh Teiow Gorang that wonderful morning together with Ibu Chik,Bak,Emi and family.plus Ibu.
It was a long depart breakfast table and his last.
We depart for KL,arriving Bangi,ibu call informing of the death.
Turn back for Melaka right away.
Papa Pok Teh,was with the Singapore Police Force in late 50's.
A rank and file officer.The youngest Sargeant ever been promoted to the post and later absorbed to the Inspector and upon medical board retirement recommendation he was an ASP with the Singapore Police Force.
Retired on medical board recommendation in 1970.
I was disciplined brought up by him at home.
A stern teacher.
An English master,which of course shows his mark in his writing.
Love his nephews and neices like his own children.
Papa's credential indeed a colorful one.
It was from him I tasted my first rotan.
My very first lesson of the Penal Code and question of law.
He would narrate to me the Penal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code in a very precision and detail.
I was merely in my secoundary school days back in the 70's listening his oral narration of Singapore Internal Affairs.
The bricking between Malaysia and Singapore.
The sweeping of Singapore kongsi Gelap in the 60's.
The political espoinage.
Off course he was a S.B with the Singapore Police and answerable only to'THE BOSS'.
The story of General Albar,T.S Pak Samad,Ahmad Bostaman,Azahari etc.etc.
It was told on first account to me.
Knowing Papa Pok Teh,his seriousness and no nonsense approach I am assure the stories relate to me were real and indeed a first hand historical dvelopment of post Malaya political history.
Time given,Insyallah,I will document it in Memoir Note of the 'Unsung Hero Tales from the South'
He was a Law lecturer at the Singapore Police Training School.
He was so good at law and was recommanded by the Attoney General at the time,the late Almarhum Tan Sri Ahmad Ibrahim to be a lecture on Criminal Law at the University Malaya in Singapore but was turn down by the Dean of the Faculty because Papa Pok Teh do not have a law degree.
For being a P.O for the crown,his examplary service was noted by then the High Court Judge an later the Chief Justice for Singapore Rt.Hon.Wee Chong Jin with a gold coin which he proudly shows me when I was still a wee lad.
Running after gangsters in Singapore then was a real high profile drama.
The street cleaning of Singapore against graft is well noted in the 60's.
The gruelsome murder photos was shown to me when I was a wee lad and it was real dramatic murders.
As a college of his I meet in Mekah while performing my haj told me,
'...no body could escape from Idris cross examine introgation and I mean terror introgation'.
His articulate legal writing still stands today.
His neatness in dressing up, represent of the old school of 'The Officer and a Gentleman'.Not even a foul word would come from him even when he is extreamly angry.
They never groom those types of ole'good esquire any more.
He died a simple man,well taken cared by The Family,leaving behind his Pension book,a packet of Gudang Garam Mild,medication prescript, and a set of Britainica Encyclopiedia,read it cover to cover.
Al.Fatiha.Papa Pok Teh Mohd Idris Hj.Abdullah.
Dahsyatnya Doa Rumah Amalia
Alhamdulillah, Kak Ardina Rasti buktikan keajaiban doa anak-anak Rumah
Amalia bertemu jodoh dan menikah dengan Kak Arie Dwi Andhika dan sekarang
sudah mo...
4 years ago
When we sit back and think we do find people who are deservingly be termed unsung heroes. There are not many and their contributions are rarely noticeable because they by nature shun publicity. So these few come and go. It is not a bad idea to have them documented by those close to them. This kind of work should not be carried out just for the purpose of glorifying the unsung heroes. The main objective is to set examples of what one can do for the benefits of others.
Thank you for such a kind thought.Least for me its a kind of way to narrate to the future generation of the family tree.
His life story in Singapore is a sad one Tuan.An early retirmentment at merely 30 years old with good future career advancement with the force was short lifted angkara 'Dunia' tuan.
Having a Senior Cambridge with Div.before independence entitle one to be a PTD's during those era.But such was 'ketentuan Allah'jua.
Siratul Rahim Tuan,siratul rahim...
Indeed,my Pok Teh has great influence in my bring up years.
May Allah memberkati rahmat keatas rohnya.
Insyallah will keep in tourch.
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