Thursday, March 20, 2008

Teringatkan Sri Kandi Negara - Allahyarhama Katijah Sidik

"Sewaktu menulis memoir ini(1963) saya sudah berumur 45 tahun. Selama 30 tahun, saya berjuang untuk rakyat, untuk hak wanita, mementang penjajahan dan imperialisme. Saya tak akan berhenti. Saya tahu, setidak-tidaknya dua kali dalam hidup saya, sekiranya saya berhenti berjuang, saya akan menjadi orang berada dan lebih terjamin daripada segi material, tapi ini bukan jiwa saya.'

`Saya tahu beberapa tahun mendatang keadaannya sukar, mungkin lebih sulit dari sebelumnya. Saya tahu mungkin saya terpaksa masuk penjara semula, mungkin lebih lama dari dahulu. Saya mempunyai empat orang anak; umur saya juga sudah tidak muda. saya mudah letih dan badan saya tidak sekuat dulu. tapi, saya tak boleh berhenti. Saya mesti meneruskan perjuangan.'

- Khatijah Sidek 1918-1982 AL-Fatiha

Arus perubahan politik dan socio budaya kita makin kencang.Metamophosis alam semesta makin kental.Peranan dan perbezaan gender yang ketara tidak pernah menidakkan peranan yang dimainkan oleh kaum Hawa di dalam socio budaya kita.Persoalannya adakah kaum lelaki kita begitu lemah hingga gagal memertabatkan bangsanya?

Bak kata Sri Kandi Negara yang tidak dilagukan Allahyarhama Katijah Sidek

'...sekiranya lelaki Melayu gagal memertabatkan Bangsa Melayu maka tanggong-jawab itu jatoh kepada Wanita Melayu'

Fikir-fikirkan lah.Apa statement itu benar?Melihat daripada mata kasar situasi dini hari,nyata benar.
Apa kamu sedia memberi laluan?

Nah Sri Kandi yang tak dilagukan,hidup dalam kedaifan,bisa mengoncang minda anda,
apa sebenarnya itu KUASA?

Kamu lali atau tuli?
Kamu gah atau tawa?
Kamu terlalu manja
Pasarana hype jadi pilihan
bukan lorong-lorong orang-orang bunian lagi.

Kamu leka atas nama kemanusiaan
Kamu pasrah sebulat ada
lupa esok bukan kepunyaan kita lagi tapi kepunyaan semua.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Yeah .........My Gal Nana's 15th.Birthday

About a year ago I did asked my gal Nana a quizzy question.

The question was,

'Nana....are we ready to accept a women as Prime Minister in Malaysia?

She still hasn't give me an answer till this day.

pssstttt........Kak Melbourne you there!!

Ooop...pochot....'We dont Need No Trouble''

Dear Bloggers Friends,

Cool down and keep down to earth.
Yes,good advise from the late Bob Marley.
Lets hope there's no Attila Witch Hunt storieS.
Enjoy the snap of 'We dont Need No Trouble'

But that aint mean anything to me.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Our Rakyat Wants Peacelah........Memo oh Memo

****That's my rakyat waktu harga getah keping asap berbunga 20sen sekati.

Yes...........its happenning!!!!
Sending memo is the order of any admistrative function.The bulk of memo sent by superior to the supporting staff at times are mind bloggling.

Dia datang dengan 'wahyu' atau 'dia diberi wahyu',is an administrative lingo meaning 'instruction from the top'.Off course we respect rank and order and authority.But pleased for havent sake sort it in humane ways.

I was taught 'Kemanusiaan Sejangat'.
I was taught to love my neighbour.
I was taught to keep away from troble.

But surprise suprise todays its vice versa.

All it means is TDM ada 'ANAK JANTAN'

The supporting team is sending a Memo to the superior.For constitutional and Admistrative lawyers,the bulk and delegeted responsibility are in question!!!
It has always been in question for the past 20 years.

Its the truth on whether separation of powers really do exist in reality?
Piles of administrative law cases could recided.
See.the contrast between
Tan Teck Seng v Suruhan Jaya Perkhidmatan Pendidikan and
Meor Atikul Rahman v Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pendidikan exp.Fatimah Sidi.

Anaylise it and you could understand.

O!!!!!!Kuasa Budi Bicara (discreationary Powers)
hmmm......Ada Budi Bahasa ke!!!!

I like it Bro.
Rocky Bru has the story.

Ya Ampun.Safe my country.Insyallah all level headed human loves peace and tranquality.
As the line of late Tan Sri P.Ramlee's film 'Pendekar Bujang Lapok'
'....ini bukan cubaan ....ini betul betul...!!!!

The last time I sent a memo asking the Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Adabi to replace the Pengetua Sekolah, it landed me with a good scolding from ayah.
It was a diffrent then.A school with no basic ammenities.

We do not have a library at school.Even the canteen was a rundown.
Horrible school toilet and dripping water when it rains.
I was so call student leader of the school then.
It was at Adabi Maharani in 1977.

But this is vice versa.

I suggest the the would be Minister of Kementerian Pendidikan to set Public Specking as a co-co and all schools has speckers corner.
In reality parents doesn't mind paying but the Education Policy really has to be scrutinise.
Follow the Rule laid by Alex Healey.
'Kunta Kinta'will never rebel unless been taught how to turn rebellious.

Letter of Mukhriz Mahatir to Pak Lah.Hear more memo from UMNO Bhg.Batu W.P.!!!!!!!!!! Entah.
Let the Falcon sort their problem.
I love peace and tranquality.


12th March 2008

Dato' Seri,

Let me take this opportunity to thank you Datuk Seri for your leadership and for allowing me and giving the trust to contest at the recent general elections as a candidate for Jerlun. With the support, hard work and the blessing of the party's leadership and the party machinery and the people of Jerlun, I have won the elections and am now a new Member of Parliament.

However, sadly enough, my victory is rendered meaningless in view of the defeat that Umno and the Kedah BN suffered in the hands of the opposition. Apart form Kedah, four other states as well as the Federal Territories also received similar humiliation in defeat.

In fact your own state of Penang was wrested by the DAP from the BN. Kelantan is again under Pas rules. In other states, the BN also suffered a similar humiliation when the level of BN support by the people has tremendously reduced. This, Datuk Seri, has never happened in the history of BN rule.

The sole intention of my letter to you is meant to save UMNO and BN from being rejected further by the people and from being no longer relevant to our religion, race and nation.

Dato' Seri, the people are unhappy and the message from them is very clear, and that is they have rejected you as the nation's chief executive.

Contrary to your claim that you still have the support of Umno and other component parties, the reality is that even our own party members had reneged in their voting pattern by supporting the Opposition and inflicting the BN its defeat.

Dato' Seri, when the people held street demonstrations you openly dared them to resort to the ballot boxes to demonstrate.

They took your challenge by coming out, especially tho people in the Peninsular, and they demonstrated their feelings by voting us out at the BN at State and Parliament levels.

It is therefore clear that your leadership and your handling of the issues faced by the people and the nation are no longer accepted. Let's not deny the truth just for the sake of keeping your seat as Prime Minister.

For the love of this country and the people, I beg that you take responsibility for the defeat. We can save UMNO, the BN and the nation only if you relinquish your positions as Prime Minister and the President of UMNO.

Dato' Seri, I hope you will understand that I make this plea with the intention of salvaging a very dire situation. A move has been made to woo the BN representatives to join the Opposition. The enemy needs just 35 seats more to topple the government of your leadership.

If you do not resign in the near future, I fear that the situation will become untenable and that the Malay support for Umno and BN will be a thing of the past.

This plea I make without malice, and I am aware that your reaction and that of other UMNO members could very well be hostile.

But come what may, I am prepared, for the sake of the Malays and UMNO, to face the consequences of my action. With all humility, I leave my fate to Allah SWT.

Dato' Seri, I am sure that you will do the right thing for the sake of the people and the nation. May Allah SWT bless you for the sacrifice you make by stepping down.


Yours Sincerely

Mukhriz Mahathir
Jerlun Member Parlament

I spoke to Mukhriz to confirm that he had, indeed, sent the letter to the PM and Umno President. He confirmed it but declined to discuss details of the letter. It didn't matter because I had already obtained a copy from my own sources.
Since my "teaser" yesterday, mykmu has published Mukhriz's letter here.


As I did mention in my earlier posting

'God pick his rightfull khalifah via the voice of the people,and definately he chooses and pick the wise and able one'.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Matahari Dulu- Matahari Sekarang

Malaysian now are rather well fed with datas and facts.
Same old stories lah.Is it?
The week end after shock is settling down.

cOOl......down.Let the newly elected YB's sort it out.
In the mean time,we fulfill our time with the spies stories over cup of tea.

Spies stories facinates me .Names like MATAHARI and William Joyce will always make a good reading to me.Spy friction 'The Recruiter' and 'All The President Men'with it good base line stories facinates me.

I wonder how Ratna Sri Dwi the Japaness beauty managed to win the heart of late Bung Karno's.
Was it planted?
Ibu Fatamawati is a beauty too so do Kartini.
It was when Ratna offcially at the Istana President things starts thumbling down for Indonesia and Sukarno.

Thought provoking its it?

Dig it the Matahari stories we could learned from past history.

Anyway have you heard of Penal Code 121.
Malaysia and Malaysian are civil and civilised peaceful loving society.
Used it if we have to.
'Only as a sheild and not a sword' and
'Those who come to Equity comes will Clean Hands'

Monday, March 10, 2008

Politik,Borelitik or Borektik - Finale

The Prime Minister just sworn into office awhile 1130 am,today Monday 10/3/2008.

Hmmmmm.....all I can say.The victory to the rakyat.Our democratic country exist and alive.And it is a final warning to UMNO and their political allience.'No Nonsense' please.We love you but kalau main kayu tiga '.....AKU TALAKKAN KAN DENGAN TALAK......

We love Malaysia but do you love us?
We love our life but do you respect us?
We own our living decently but do you help us?
We protect our childrend but do you protect us?
We defend our nation but did you ignored us?
We host our nation,do you held us hostage?

Wake is a new 'MALAYSIAN' in a newly arena.
Protect our Fundemental Liberties.!!!!!!!!

Q&A:Tun Mathatir Mohammad press interview yesterday Sunday 9/3/08
Khairy to blame for BN's electoral defeat
Mar 9, 08 9:05pm
I think his son-in-law played a big role (in the defeat). This young man who has no achievements before but apparently the PM listens to him. said Mahathir at a press conference.

Are you surprised by the results?

Mahathir: I think it’s shocking. Although I expected BN to lose but I did not think that they lost five states.

I'm sorry that I made the wrong choice in Pak Lah. I never expected a PM to reverse all the policies of the government. So I think the people on the whole must have been very angry. All the three communities, the Chinese, the Malays and the Indians, have reacted.

Will Tun pressure Pak Lah to resign?

I think he should accept responsibility for this. Just as in 2004, the huge majority, the huge victory was purportedly due to him 100 percent. Now he should accept 100 percent of the responsibility.

What do you mean by taking responsibility?

He has destroyed Umno, destroyed BN. And he has to be responsible for this terrible defeat.

If he doesn't want to take responsibility, do you think that Umno will do something to make him go?

I think Umno people on the ground are fearful of this man as they have never been before. During my time they would challenge me. Here I was not allowed to speak. I was given invitations to give talk to Umno members but these were withdrawn. They say that the police told them to withdraw it.

When you say ‘step down’, do you mean (from) Umno or PM?

I think he should (step down). The Japanese would have performed ‘hara-kiri’. I think that Najib (Razak) has done very well. He has scored an amazing victory, more than the 2004 elections.

What do you think led to this defeat?

I think his son-in-law (Khairy Jamaluddin) played a big role. This young man who has no achievements before but apparently the PM listens to him more rather than the police, the special branch and the armed forces, who are closer to the ground. They were so taken up with their own newspaper reports that they couldn't hear anything else. They dismissed everything they didn't like.

Do you think the timing of the election was a miscalculation?

It can be called a miscalculation but I doubt if they had waited another year, the results would have been any different.

What were the issues which led to the loss of the states?

Many issues led to the pent-up feelings of the citizens of which despite the economic growth, the people aren't feeling anything. They feel the rise in the cost of living a big factor. They also see that this government is run by one family. When family takes precedence over cabinet, over government, then people will be against it.

Do you think this damage is permanent for BN?

Everything can be reversed if you do things properly. They have been so arrogant that they have suppressed any opinions they don't like and believe in their own reports which are not consistent with what is really happening in the country.

With the opposition making so much inroads in Malaysia, what do you think will happen?

Well, there will be instability for some time. If the opposition is good, they should be able to remedy the situation.

Do you think that Anwar Ibrahim is still relevant?

I think he is relevant but he is not going to become the prime minister of this country.

If you were in Pak Lah's shoes, would you be in a hurry to form the government?

I would take responsibility. If the people want me to resign, I would resign.

After this setback, do you think that Barisan has any hope to remedy this situation?

There is hope. But whether the leaders have the will to repair BN is another question.

Who should succeed Pak Lah?

Najib won by 26,000 votes and this is much more than in 2004 when the BN was very, very popular. On the other hand, Pak Lah - who had a majority of 18,000 before - only has a majority of 11,000 now. The fact is that he lost a number of votes. And there are not many people who have improved (their majority) since 2004.

Yes, his son-in-law won but he only won by a small majority, smaller than previously. He was also in a safe seat.

How to cure Umno?

The person responsible should retreat.

If the Malays had not voted for opposition this would not have happened. Why did the Umno supporters vote for opposition this time?

They feel their situation is under pressure. Inflation is high. Their lives are on the line. The people know that you can say that there is 6 percent growth but where is the 6 percent on their body? They are having to spend more money.

I've said this to Malaysiakini. When you say 6 percent, it is an average. This can be achieved by one person having a very high percentage but the rest have nothing. You can't have this sort of figures and expect people to vote for you.

The intelligent people would know that this is not correct. Those that don't understand all these figures, rather be guided by what is actually happening to them. What is happening to them is the higher cost of living and a lowering of their standard of living.

Going back to the 1969 elections, after the Alliance had lost, you were one of the main agitators for the prime minister (Tunku Abdul Rahman) to transfer his powers to his deputy (Tun Abdul Razak)...

I am in a dilemma as I'm an Umno member.

Are you the agitator again?

I will voice out my opinion. If people ask, I will give my opinion. And my opinion in this matter is that the person responsible should step down.

Looking at the current BN line-up, do you think that the BN government can manage the economy?

No, I don't think they can manage. Even when they have full force and tons of money at their disposal they have not done anything.


You have to ask the state leaders.

Penang has fallen to DAP, how do you think this will affect the Malays?

It's not just about Penang. If we want to correct that, we have got Malay leaders, we've got a Malay government and the citizens who are Malay must know how to overcome their problems.

What can veterans like Tengku Razaleigh (Hamzah) do to help Umno at this juncture?

They can give ideas.

Is it to revolt and cause Pak Lah to resign?

I am not talking about a rebellion but there must be pressure. And if that pressure is ignored by Pak Lah, then this would turn the matter into a heated confrontation.

Do you think that the opposition success is attributed to Anwar?

I don't think it is so. This is more of something against BN than strong support for the opposition.

They (voters) have no choice. If you don't vote BN, who do you vote for? There are only two candidates. So you vote for the opposition or you don't vote at all. Either way, the BN was going to lose a lot of support.

People say that Umno is still afraid of Pak Lah. So how can they pressure Pak Lah to step down?

I'm sure that there are some brave members out there.

Are there any alternatives for Pak Lah other than to resign?

I don't see any other alternative. The man that is 100 percent responsible has to show that he is responsible.

Some people were saying if BN's two-thirds majority is denied, a repeat of May 13 would take place. Why won't it happen now?

No I don't think it would happen. In the first place, the police have been very careful, telling people no demonstration and no parades.

In 1969, the police gave permission for the opposition to hold a victory parade. And they went to Kampung Baru and started insulting the people there, which caused a reaction. This ended up as a riot. If the police remain strong on these demonstrations and victory parades, I don't think there will be any problems.

Is it time to end racial politics?

I'm going to tell you this (rejection of BN) involves all the races. It's not as if the Chinese reject BN or all the Indians reject BN. Here, you see Chinese, Indian and Malay reject BN except for Sabah and Sarawak.

Umno has retained more seats compared to the other component parties like MIC and MCA. Will they pressure Pak Lah to step down?

That depends on them to whether to apply pressure or not but the Barisan Nasional concept is still relevant. If there is no (MIC chief S) Samy Vellu, then find another Vellu.

Can you comment on Zam (Zainuddin Maidin)?

He won or lost? Oh, he lost. Well, the way he was campaigning was really funny, telling people to look at his face and how it doesn't change. But I think that a face that doesn't change can be very boring. Sometimes you must laugh, sometimes you must cry.

He was telling everybody "Ini muka tak bertukar, tak bertukar". Who is interested in his ‘wajar’? If he was Britney Spears, then….

If you had suffered the same defeat, would you have resigned too?

Yes, I would resign if that is the wish of the people. I've always abided by the wish of the people, so much so that people who were against me were brought back into the cabinet, and that includes Pak Lah, Syed Hamid (Syed Albar), Rais Yatim and (Abdul) Kadir Sheikh Fadzil. All these (leaders) were against me.

But when Pak Lah was elected vice-president, I cannot (not appoint him) as he was wanted by Umno. As such I appointed him back into the cabinet.

But you did not resign in 1999?

I did not because we won two-thirds. We won with full Chinese support. Yes, we lost Terengganu and Kelantan but we have always lost Kelantan and Terengganu was for very specific reasons.

Did BN lose because too many people like Samy Vellu had hung on to power too long?

I think that Samy Vellu played a big part in the defeat. When he was in BN, he doesn't allow any of the MIC people to come up to his level. If they come up (to be) deputy or vice-president, he will knock them down and even expel them from the party.

And he wouldn't allow any other Indian party to join BN. (MG) Pandithan tried to join, begged me to allow him and I wanted to agree but we have this consensus in BN that if one party doesn't agree we cannot accept them.

Are you surprised by (ISA detainee) M Manoharan's victory?

This has happened before in 1959 or is it 1964, when PAS used to go from village to village carrying the candidate's shoes and he won.

What can you say about the media’s - especially the mainstream ones' - role in this campaign? Do you think that there should be changes there?

There should be changes. They should report what actually happens and make a proper analysis. Before, they were able to feed back to me what was happening on the ground. Maybe, when they talk about races and things like that, I would have to clamp down on them, which I did in 1987.

Should all the bosses of the newspapers resign too?

They have their constraints. Some of them are my friends and supporters too and they apologise say that they can't help. "It's all this Kali. This Kali," they tell me.

Has Umno become irrelevant?

For the moment, yes. It's not always so. If Umno serves the country well, and looks after all the different races, then Umno will be relevant again.

What is your comment on the young BN candidates losing?

There is this rumour that some of these candidates are Khairy's and that he wants to be prime minister.

Do you think that other BN component leaders should resign too?

I think that one component leader has already been knocked out. As for Ong Ka Ting, it's up to him. This is a very bad defeat for him and MCA and it's never been this bad before.

Everyone says that PAS and DAP cannot work together but if they don't in Selangor and Perak, they can't form state government. What is your take on this?

If they work together they can form state government. If not, then representatives of Umno - if there are many - can form a minority government. But it will be a shaky government.

Are you sad with the results?

Yes, I am although I had hoped that a message would be sent to the government.

Will you return to active politics?

I won't return to active politics but if they want advice, I can give them. How can I return when once I stepped down they treated me like a pariah?

Updates from :
The election officers for the constituency of Rembau was admited to hospital.more from the above link.
hmmmm....Rashid pleased explain.ASAP.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Politik,Borelitik or Borektik - Pt.3

heeee........have a good laugh over the week-end.
Some clown.Its showwwwww.........time.
As an African proverb 'Lion on a sheep skin'
but some are right down honest and sincerely.
Lets do the post mortem after Sunday at dawn.
Its a date.Insyallah.

Name it!!
Cyber world and bloggers are here to stay.
Long live 'BLOGGERS'.