Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Good Man Rommel.


Rommel Sidek passed away due to liver complication after going through major liver transplant operation at Beijing Specialist Hospital in October 2008.

May Allah have mercy on his soul.



It was not long ago,I posted in this blog about a missing budding of mine,Rommel.As the name stand for Gen.Rommel,the German General known to historian as the charismatic General of the Northen Africa Nazi campaign.Rommel whom I know has that basic charismatic charm in him.

Rommel like me,enjoys a good laugh and life.
We both were part-time buskers at the Marble Arch Tube station.Yes,we were student but during summer hols instead of being ideal ,we rather polished our not so talented skill for the happy summer Londaners faces apart being able to purse a few quid for a 'Black Velvet' later in the day.A good guitarist Rommel is.We both enjoy occassionally jam session either at my flat at Dawson Place,Bayswater or in the Hyde Park particulary in summer.

He left for the State in 83' and has lost contact since,not until last Sunday.
I recieved a surprising SMS from Boe 'Rommel in ICU Ampang Putri'.
The whole Sunday morning I was bluesing with Bob Dylan and Neil Young tune.
Me and Boe rush to Ampang Putri ICU in the evening visiting hour.
I met a my buddy,basically grew up in London together,enjoys what London could offers us within reasons, laying in ICU fighting to live.
However,he is in a much better health now compare a few weeks ago.

Yes,Rommel was in the States all this while and doing well there and has been back since the past 6 months,after being spear-head to lead a leading techno town.

Well,all I can say,welcome home mate!
Take care of your health.Go eazy man....
Keep in low and looking forward for a pool-side B-B-Q Jam session one on these fine day.
How lucky some guys are!!

1 comment:

Kak Teh said...

Good to hear that you met up with your buddy again - and now he is on the way to recovery! Insyaallah.